Archive for April, 2009

Evening Hail…


P.S.: there were bigger ones…

MySQL: Mac OS Database Management

I’ve already written a post about MySQL GUI Tool for Windows.

In case you need to manage or support MySQL database on Mac OS X, Sequel Pro may be a good option. However it does not support stored routines manipulation. But hopefully it will be fixed in the next release.

sequel pro

Anticipate vs Expect

Anticipate means to expect and prepare for something when expect does not include the idea of preparation.

In other words “to expect” means looking forward to the outcome that you “should” get and “to anticipate” means looking forward to the outcome that you “want” to get.

For example:

  • We anticipate a large turnout at the next meeting.
  • He expects that you are tired from the trip.

Also there is a good quote from

Expect, anticipate, hope, await all imply looking to some future event. Expect implies confidently believing, usually for good reasons, that an event will occur: to expect a visit from a friend. Anticipate is to look forward to an event and even to picture it: Do you anticipate trouble? Hope implies a wish that an event may take place and an expectation that it will: to hope for the best. Await (wait for) implies being alert and ready, whether for good or evil: to await news after a cyclone.

Shortcut to open the right click context menu

It turned out that my new keyboard does not have the context menu key:
right click context menu

That’s why I was curious if there is any shortcut to open the right click context menu. Sometimes it is very convenient to be able to open context menu using keyboard. It was simple to find the right one.

The answer is: Shift+F10 (for Windows).

All roads lead to Rome

P.S.: next stop could be Athens. Who knows? 🙂

Google data center tour